making up stories about the arts

dance. theater. film. music. visual arts. journalism. workshops. family. health.


Thursday, December 31, 2009

My Daily Bread, Book 1 Chapter 8

Book One: The Way of Purification
CHAPTER 8 The Voice of Conscience

CHRIST: MY CHILD, refuse to do wrong for anything in the world. It is better to have the
whole world against you rather than have Me against you. Whoever loses Me, is losing more than the entire world. Whatever you love on earth is but a reflection of My goodness. If you fix your attention and interest only on worldly things or people, you will soon shut Me out and lose My grace.

2. As soon as you become too interested in worldly pleasure and ease, your conscience objects. You are your own worst enemy when you act against your conscience. The wrong which you do becomes worse when you try to excuse yourself or justify your actions.

3. No man can safely enjoy life except the man whose conscience is clear. The wicked never have true joy nor real interior peace. They may say that they have peace and that they neither expect nor fear any harm from above Either they are lying or they are fools. My justice will suddenly strike them and put an end to their deeds. They will think differently then.

4. A bad conscience is afraid and disturbed A good conscience has peace even in time of hardship. The good man's glory lies in the testimony of a good conscience.

5. There is no true freedom nor profitable joy without a clear conscience and a holy fear of all sin. Blessed is the man whose eyes are on Me and who keeps his earthly desires within My law. A good life follows My wisdom and brings a deeper appreciation of this earthly existence.

THINK: God made man intelligent enough to see that he should do what is right. And so the sinner knows that he is a sinner. He knows that his life is not going well. If he wants to cling to sins, he will try to excuse himself in some way, but he cannot fool himself for long. Either he loses his peace of soul or he succeeds in dulling his conscience. The man with a dull conscience will find distractions and interests in many things, but he has not the abiding peace of those who live for Heaven.

PRAY: Dear Lord, grant that I may never be insincere in my daily life. Let me always have the strength, the courage and the loyalty to follow what is right. I do not want to choose any temporary satisfaction or relief which is displeasing to You. Let me live for eternity by always choosing what You want me to choose. May death never catch me by surprise. I hope to live each hour of the day in loyalty to Your holy Will and at peace with You. Amen.

Saturday, December 5, 2009

My Daily Bread, Book 1 Chapter 7

Book One: The Way of Purification
CHAPTER 7 Vanity in Daily Life

CHRIST: MY CHILD, vanity is another name for foolish expectation and for useless pretense. Some people expect too much from the good things of this world. Others pretend to be bigger than they really are and try to attract more attention than they deserve.

2. Vanity of vanities, and all is vanity for those who do not love Me, or refuse to follow My commandments. Nothing is permanent under the sun. When you love anything for its own sake, and not because it helps you do My Will, you are a victim of vanity. Death shall take all these things away from you, and nothing will be left. How wise is the man who appreciates this truth!

3. It is vanity to strive too intently for perishable riches and to fix your hopes on them. It is vanity also to be over-eager for honors, or to consider your self better than others. It is vanity to follow blindly the desires of the flesh and to want things which will bring a great penalty later on.

4. It is vanity to wish for a long life while caring little about living a good life. It is vanity to give your entire attention to the present life without thinking of the life which will come later. It is vanity to love only what is speedily passing away, instead of fixing your heart on Heaven the home of endless joy.

THINK: If the dead could relive their lives, how differently many of them would value things. I know they know how foolish are many things for which they lived, and worked, and even sinned. The good, however, now enjoy perfect joy and happiness with God in Heaven because they refused to offend Him for any worldly comfort or glory. My life is my choice. Will I try to please God in all things, or will I prefer some earthly satisfaction against His holy Will?

PRAY: Lord, grant me heavenly wisdom, so that I may learn to seek You above everything else. May I find You, enjoy Your presence in my life, and love You above everything else. Let me understand all things according to their importance in Your eyes. Grant that I may prudently avoid the flatterer and patiently bear with those who make my life more difficult. It is great wisdom to fight the undue influence of human words and to keep my eyes on Your holy law. In this way I shall go safely onward along the way that leads to eternal life, unending happiness, and the only lasting success. Amen.

Sunday, November 29, 2009

My Daily Bread, Book 1 Chapter 6

Book One: The Way of Purification
CHAPTER 6 The Last and Highest Goal

CHRIST: MY CHILD, My true friends refuse to pursue things simply because they are pleasant. They do not want anything which has only temporary value. All their hopes and ambitions aim at the success which I give, the success which will never pass away. They know that too much love for earthly things can draw them away from the only lasting joy and glory. So in all their daily activities, they keep an eye on Me and My commandments.

2. Among all the wonders of heaven and earth, there is no one like Me. My works are supremely good and My judgments are perfectly true. By My providence the universe is ruled.

3. Let others seek whatever else they desire besides Me. As for you, let nothing please you except Me alone, your Hope, your Eternal Salvation.

4. Daily look for Me above all things. Try to find Me in all things. I alone am the Giver of true peace and lasting happiness.

THINK: No tongue can describe the peace which God gives to those who sincerely want His Will above all else. Many never find this peace because they lack the trust and courage to live entirely God's way. They try to obey God's law only in part. God loves the man who is honest enough to want first things first.

PRAY: My loving Saviour and merciful God, can I be so foolish as to think that I can find happiness without You? Can sin ever bring me true joy when it separates me from You, the
Fountain of lasting joy? No. I hope, with Your help to keep my eyes fixed on You throughout my daily life. I hope to avoid whatever displeases You, and to live as You wish me to live each hour of the day. Your Will shows the way to undying peace and happiness. Let me love Your Will in all things. Amen.

Sunday, November 22, 2009

My Daily Bread Book 1 Chapter 5

Book One: The Way of Purification
CHAPTER 5 Looking Away from God

CHRIST: MY CHILD, the person who esteems anything for itself alone, forgetting My goodness and love, will always be small and inferior like the things which he values. Whatever does not help you to please Me, has no true value in your life. You should therefore consider it as nothing.

2. Unless you see Me in your daily life, you will sooner or later become discontented, wherever you are and wherever you turn.

3 . If any man tries to enjoy anything as though it were his alone, he will not have a lasting joy nor true freedom. In many ways he will find himself tied down and shut off from Me.

4. He who thinks more of earthly things than he does of Me, will find nothing but insecurity, trouble and sorrow. He may not realize it, but he is planning his own destruction.

5. Be it ever so little, if anything is loved and valued more than it deserves, it holds you back from Me, the Highest Good, and it weakens your soul. The man who looks only for worldly satisfactions, becomes blind to the loving presence of his Creator.

THINK: One who seeks only pleasure, ease, honor, or profit is a worldling, that is, he lives only for this life. Gradually he becomes a slave of his earthly desires, so that he cannot even think of God. He will believe in Heaven too late-when he finds its gates forever closed to him.

PRAY: My God, I rely on Your assistance to keep myself free from the slavery of earthly attractions. I shall use my possessions and daily enjoyments as things which You have lent to me. May I never offend You with these gifts of Yours. As yesterday's enjoyments passed away, so too will those of today. I want to live for the greatest Good-for You, my God and my All. You alone are best and highest. Only You can satisfy my heart's longings forever. Amen.

Sunday, November 8, 2009

My Daily Bread, Book 1 Chapter 4

Book One: The Way of Purification
CHAPTER 4 Holy Indifference

CHRIST: MY CHILD, let Me do with you as I please. I know what is best for you. You think as a human being, so that your judgments are often influenced by your feelings, moods or prejudices.

2. I take better care of you than you could ever take of yourself. Anyone who does not give Me his whole-hearted attention and loyalty, is taking a great risk. I alone can lead you to eternal life. Let Me do with you as I please. Whatever I do will always be best for you.

3. Knowing all things, I know your most important needs. I want you to gain the perfect and unending joy of Heaven. For this reason I will place you at times in a spiritualdarkness of doubts and confusion. Then again I will let you enjoy the light of My truth and joy. One day I will console you, and on the next day you may find life hard and sorrowful. Butthrough all these changing conditions, remember that My hand is leading you on toward Heaven.

4. Follow My Will in all things. Be just as ready to experience suffering as to have joy, just
as glad to be poor and needy as to be well off. If you prefer My Will in all these things, you
will be preferring the Perfect Wisdom and the Highest Good.

THINK: God made me for the perfect life of Heaven. Whatever He sends me is sent with this goal in view. Some things I can remedy and improve in my daily life, while other things are beyond my control. After I have done my best, I should accept the results as God's Will for me. Be it hard or easy, pleasant or disagreeable, I can always be sure that God knows, wants and permits what is good for my soul.

PRAY: My God and my All, You made and control all things in my daily life. How can I forget this truth and complain about anything? Grant me the holy dispositions which you mentioned a moment ago. Make me equally willing to receive from Your hand the sweet and the bitter, the joy and the sorrow. I thank you now for whatever You decide to send me. Only keep me from sin, and I shall fear neither death nor hell. As long as You do not separate me from You forever, nor blot me out of the book of life, whatever suffering comes to me will not hurt me for long. Grant me the grace to see, love, and prefer Your Will in everything that happens to me today. Amen.

Sunday, October 25, 2009

My Daily Bread, Book 1 Chapter 3

Book One: The Way of Purification
CHAPTER 3 A Right Intention in All Things

CHRIST: MY CHILD, in all things I want you to have a right intention. That means that I want you to have a supernatural purpose in whatever you think, do, or say. Whether you seek to avoid hell, diminish your purgatory, or gain Heaven, such motives are supernatural, and therefore they are right intentions. True, you are often unaware of your motives, but as long as you are not in mortal sin, and your action agrees with My law, you have a right intention.

2. A right intention, however, may have different degrees of perfection. Thus, when you do something simply to please Me, your intention is higher than if you think of your own advantage. Still, whatever be the degree of your right intention, it always seeks to fulfill My Will, and it always brings you a greater good than any intention which seeks only your earthly welfare.

3. Regardless of feelings, moods, prejudices, or preferences, strive to maintain a right intention at all times. As soon as your natural desires contradict My Will, check them as you would check any other foolish intention.

4. Do not let life's daily events disturb nor affect you too much. Seek to know My Will and to accept it in all things. With this pure intention, you will have a deep interior peace. This is My gift to those who let Me govern their lives.

5. A person's intention tends to become dim as he proceeds through his daily occupations. Gradually he is influenced more by pleasure or self-satisfaction. Therefore, renew yourpure intention at different times during the day. Offer Me each activity and avoid anything which might lead you into sin.

6. Recall your heavenly goal from time to time. Let there be nothing great, nothing high, nothing pleasant, nothing acceptable to you unless it helps you to follow My Will. Consider all useless consolations and sinful pleasures as so much worthless money.

7. One who truly loves Me, hates everything which holds him back from Me. I alone, the eternal, infinite God, the perfect joy of the soul, can bring true peace and unendinghappiness to your heart.

THINK: Where are the pleasures and joys of last year? Gone and forgotten. If they made me worse, I shall find death and judgment a little harder to face. Why do I fail to value things according to God's way of thinking? He wants me to live a sinless and useful life. Even my pleasures should improve me in some way, and make me better able to do my work. Heaven is far greater than I can ever deserve. Still I should try each day to be a little less unworthy of it.

PRAY: Lord, what You say is true. Grant that I may follow Your words in my daily life. Your truth shall teach me, guide me, and protect me. May it deliver me from all evil desires and foolish love. Let me esteem nothing as great, or valuable, or wonderful, except insofar as it makes me better and more pleasing in Your eyes. In this way I shall never be a slave of this earth, but shall walk daily towards Heaven with a holy freedom of heart. Amen.

Thursday, October 22, 2009

My Daily Bread, Book 1, Chapter 2

Book One: The Way of Purification
CHAPTER 2 The Purpose of Created Things

CHRIST: MY CHILD, if you directed your desires according to My Will, you would learn many a holy lesson from the events of daily life. Nothing is so small and unimportant that it does not, in some way, reflect my wisdom and goodness. When you have become as good and unselfish as you should be, you will find it easy to understand the deeper meaning of the events in your daily life. An unselfish heart sees much more than what appears on the surface.

2. I created Heaven and earth for the service of man. I have even appointed angels to help man. In fact, I Myself am continually serving and helping man. If he lives as I desire, he shall one day share with Me the perfect happiness of Heaven.

3 . What are you doing in return for My numberless favors? You should serve Me every single day of your life. Yet, you fail to give Me unselfish service even for one single day. I deserve all possible obedience, all possible honor and eternal praise. To Me you owe each breath and second of life. Without My continued support, nothing could please nor help you. All assistance and relief is the work of My hand.

THINK: If I ever wrote down a list of God's gifts to me, I would have to compose a book. Everything and everybody, whatever I may mention, is a gift of God for a definite purpose. All things, not just some things, are in my life for God's good reasons. In one way or another, they are meant to help me earn the unending happiness and glory of Heaven. I must reject any person or thing that leads me away from this goal by sin. All things are to be used wisely, that is, to help me live a good and useful life. By an intelligent use and control of life's daily needs and activities, I prove my sincere desire for God's eternal love and friendship in Heaven.

PRAY: My God, the good things that attract me on earth are only tiny reflections of Your perfect attraction and goodness. Let them never turn my thoughts aside from You, the Perfect Good. I hope to turn away from anybody or anything which draws me away from You. The good things of earth will pass away all too soon, but You will remain forever. I choose You now by a sincere daily battle against sin. Grant me the glorious favor of pleasing You on earth and loving You in Heaven. Amen.

Monday, October 12, 2009


A Summary of the Spiritual Life
Simplified and Arranged
for Daily Reading, Reflection and Prayer
By Anthony J. Paone, S.J.
1954 Confraternity of the Precious Blood

A meditation manual designed to take the reader through the various stages of spiritual growth
(Arranged and edited by Br. Sean, a choir monk, 2008)

BOOK ONE: The Way of Purification

CHAPTER 1 Man's Purpose on Earth

CHRIST: MY CHILD, the highest goal of your life is union with Me in Heaven. Let your
intentions throughout the day be guided by this truth. In all things be sure to stay on the path which leads to Heaven. Do not become too deeply interested in the passing desires and brief enjoyments of this earthly life.

2. I have given you everything that you are and everything you have. All things come to you from Me, the Supreme Good. Whatever comes, accept it, use it, enjoy it, as I wish and as much as I wish.

3. If you think only of satisfying yourself, without considering My approval, your mind becomes confused and your will becomes weak. Mstakes and sins will rob you of peace on earth and of unending happiness in Heaven. In all things, therefore, keep your eyes on Me.

4. Happy are those who desire only what I want, trying steadily to do My Will. Such people do not let themselves become completely absorbed by their daily activities. They frequently offer their activities to Me. They see the brevity of human contentment on earth.

5. Examine your motives in your daily words and actions. Find out how you may please Me more, and avoid everything which may draw you away from Me.

THINK: I was created for eternal happiness with God in Heaven. Everything else must take second place in my life, because if I lose Heaven, I will be losing everything. The sure guide to Heaven is God's holy Will. If I follow it in my daily life, every moment on earth will be a surestep toward the perfect happiness which my heart craves.

PRAY: My God and loving Father, grant me the wisdom to think, speak, and act each day as You want me to. May I never be such a fool as to disagree with Your supreme goodness and wisdom. Nothing on earth can bring me any lasting happiness. Therefore, let me never sin for the sake of anything. I want to live for the perfect happiness for which You created me. Amen.

Tuesday, August 11, 2009

Ballet Philippine’s Masterworks opens Aug 14, Friday

In celebration of Ballet Philippines' 40th year, the company will be opening the season with Masterworks, a showcase presenting significant works that have established Ballet Philippines as the flagship company in ballet and contemporary dance. From its treasure trove of over 400 works in classical and contemporary works, Masterworks will feature gems including Agnes Locsin's neo-ethnic Igorot; Edna Vida's Ensalada to the music of Ryan Cayabyab's "Mamang Kutsero," "Bakya Mo Neneng" and "Limang Dipang Tao"; Bam Damian's athletic pas de deux Evacuation; Gaano Kadalas..., created by the late Tony Fabella; Swimming the Ilog Pasig by Alden Lugnasin; William Carter's neo-classical ballet, Bach Concerto; BP Founding Artistic Director Alice Reyes' Romeo and Juliet; and Denisa Reyes' timely Te Deum created in 1985 before the EDSA Revolution portraying through dance the struggles and aspirations of the Filipino people.

For this landmark work, Ballet Philippines will be accompanied live by the Manila Symphony Orchestra. For its musical premier in the Philippines, Te Deum will be performed with the special participation of the UP Concert Chorus and the Greenhills Christian Fellowship Chancel Choir with soloists Janet Sabas Aracama, Raymond Roldan and Jeannelle Bihag-Roldan. Pianist Greg Zuniega will be performing Bach’s Piano Concerto No. 5 in F minor in Bach Concerto, also with the MSO.

Masterworks is the first production under Ballet Philippines’ new Artistic Director, Paul Alexander Morales and new BP Foundation President, Margie Moran Floirendo. It is showing at the CCP Main Theater on Aug 14, Friday 3pm and 8pm, Aug 15, Saturday 3pm and 8pm, and on Aug 16, Sunday 10am and 3pm.

For tickets, call 551-1003 or 551-0221. All BP Alumni, former collaborators and the press are invited to Masterworks opening night on Aug 14, Friday 8pm and are requested to call Ballet Philippines for their complimentary tickets (limited tickets available).

Saturday, July 18, 2009

Atang, The Musical

Saw it in UP last night with my husband Nonoy. We made sure we ate dinner at 6:30pm, got dressed, and made it to Palma Hall by 7:50 - wow, on time kami! Only to find out the show started at 7. So we caught the applause for Act 1, mingled at the lobby during the intermission and, because I was the commander, kept telling Nonoy to let it go ... let it go .... meaning, don't scold me na lang for not knowing the time. I asked Nic Pichay what exactly happened in the first Act - "lalang, Ayen's (Munji Laurel) character was just asking permission from Atang (Shamaine) if she could portray her in a film" O! we didn't miss much naman pala eh! - smoked (yes in UP!), chatted with George de Jesus, who told me he also missed many Act I's in UP thinking of CCP time which is always 8.

Shamaine Buencamino, as Atang de la Rama, had all the nuances of Atang's generation, the way she spoke, moved and existed on stage. I know that generation well because of my parents - they had a way of being. The women were feisty to cantakerous (to quote director Alex de Guzman) and I so wanted to hug Shamaine for being my mother that night. My mother was a singer too and was very Atang. Shamaine had the right vocal inflection, the right body language, the right fiber that would be an old but spirited Atang. Gosh, GUSH, what a good actress she is.

I remember hearing about Atang de la Rama when I was a kid and after watching this show, was bowled over by her story. Oops, she married pala Amado Hernandez ... know him? He wrote the most beautiful Tagalog that can grip one's heart. Atang pala was the one who sang "Bayan Ko'? And Huseng Batute ceased to be a Tanghalan ... I saw the man on stage! Yan. Filipinos have no sense of history kasi. How lovely to know - at last - about our great Atang de la Rama after researching on the life of Michael Jackson. Kahiya. Thank you Floy Quintos for writing this musical and thank you, Alex for making it work on stage. Delicious. Funny. Our children need to see more musicals like this to emulate the Filipino artist.

Ayen is always stunning on stage. The songs she had to sing were pretty intricate with a wide range to cover and this she did unflustered. 'Nasaan Ka Irog' is a song that should be heard again and again. The music was endearing. The rest of the cast gave excellent support. Congrats to everyone! Tour this in schools all over the country! You made me and my husband very happy last night ... and we only saw one Act

Thursday, July 2, 2009

"Maliw" July 2, 2009 Performance

Just when I thought I could relax and enjoy our last performance of "Maliw" (Labfest 5) at the CCP Tanghalang Batute, actress Julia Enriquez couldn't perform due to a severe stomach ailment and Kats Castillo had to learn her part in 5 hours. After grueling rehearsals with Kat who performed the role exceptionally, we did our last show to a full house.

People had to be turned away. It was a success! P.H.E.W.

Sunday, February 15, 2009

My Guru, Tony Fabella

My Guru, Tony Fabella Feb 15, '09 4:28 AM
for everyone

Town & Country

Philippine Edition, June 2008 issue

By Edna Vida Froilan

After receiving my high school diploma, I wondered how I would fare in the real world. There was nothing much I could do except read books and flirt with boys. What universal zone would adopt a seventeen year old loser like me?

At that time my eldest sister, Alice Reyes, returned from the United States and put up a riveting dance performance at the CCP titled, The Alice Reyes Modern Dance Concert. The show’s success prompted Alice to team up with danseur Eddie Elejar to launch the First CCP Summer Dance Workshop and later found the CCP Dance Company.

My mother believed that my sister Denisa and I could join our sister’s company simply because we were Reyeses. We did not know how to dance – that way – and we were to labor for it with blood, sweat and tears.

The rehearsal hall of the CCP teemed with alien characters. We were surrounded by people who lived, breathed and ate dance everyday. Denisa and I looked pathetic in ballet class. We could not remember the steps, all given in French. We could not coordinate our bodies.

We were with the best ballerinas who had been dancing since they were young. We were never going to catch up. I remember trudging to CCP from the university where I was taking a dance degree especially for dance ‘professionals’, donning itchy leotards and tights and hating every minute of it.

Fortunately, a ballet class for beginners was opened. The teacher was Tony Fabella. There were only three students: Denisa, another teenager, and myself. Tony Fabs, as everyone fondly calls him, went down on his knees patiently day in and day out to whittle our legs with proper ballet technique.

He molded us as if we were his cherished works of art. I wanted to tell him not to waste his time on me because I was never going to be a ballerina and that I had essentially set my life on the course to oblivion. But he was thorough, meticulous and relentless.

I thought that if this man could be so patient with me I must have hope.

Tony Fabs was born in Pagsanjan, Laguna in 1941 to Luz Limuaco and Ricardo Fabella, the former principal of the Pagsanjan Academy where he graduated high school. After earning a degree in BS Chemical Engineering at the Mapua Institute of Technology he passed the Government Board exams for Chemical Engineers. Fate mapped a different chart for Tony though. He was to be an engineer of dance instead. Heeding its call, he started off as a lead dancer of the Bayanihan Dance Company and later became a principal member of Dance Theater Philippines.

I first met Tony when I was a little girl. He was a familiar face at home because he danced with and assisted Alice in her stint as a television choreographer. His infectious laughter always filled the room and he was everyone’s darling. When Alice arrived from the US in 1969 he was one of the first dancers she invited to join her concert. He immediately became a principal member of the Alice Reyes Modern Dance Company which evolved into the CCP Dance Company and Workshop, the CCP Dance Company and later, Ballet Philippines.

As a young scholar at the CCP, I read his brand of dancing with obsession. He was the epitome of exuberance; a joy to watch on stage. Tony was cast in the leading role of Alice’s Tommy, a rock opera that became a smash hit. That was the first time I danced with the company and it was a glorious experience to be on stage with him. His energy rubbed off on me and I learned to enjoy dancing. He also danced the lead in Alice’s Tales of the Manuvu, another runaway success, and many other full length ballets. I observed Tony and Alice at work. He knew what Alice wanted before she even thought of it. What a jewel of a dancer he was because of his musicality and sensitivity.

As resident choreographer, Tony was assigned the major ballets. My first Tony Fabella ballet was Prince of the Pagodas where I was in the corps de ballet. It was my first time to wear pointe shoes and although my toes bled profusely it was well worth the pain. I learned a lot from his choreographic style – very yin and yang.

He can create a torrent of speedy sprints, the most passionate steps or the most lyrical poetry in movement. His ballets are so charismatic many dancers are inspired to dabble in choreography after watching them.

He revealed to me not long ago that he learned a lot from Alice in choreography. I laughed and said, “That’s funny, I learned a lot from you!” When she became too busy to teach us, there was Tony passing the knowledge.

Inspite of his place in the upper echelon of the company, he was one of the few senior members I could chat with. Tony is rather a timid soul inspite of his great talent. He had an injury and had to swathe his ankles with Leukoplast every day without which he would be unable to dance. He chuckled through the ritual as if it were God’s tender joke on him which he accepted with grace and humility.

Tony was company manager when I became a member of the troupe. We were fined for being overweight and the fine doubled if the scales rose the following week. I was always overweight and one day, as Tony handed me my salary, he said, “Oh, (chuckle, chuckle) you have a fine.” I gave back every peso in tears and wanted to shout, “Give it back Tony, please!”

We broke into laughter and that was Tony Fabs turning misery into amusement.

I missed him when he left the company to venture on his own. My mentor was gone but I promised myself that I will make him proud of me someday. He teamed up with Elejar to be co-artistic director of the Manila Metropolitan Ballet, the Goldcrest Dance Workshop and the Fabella-Elejar Dance Studios.

He also became the director of the Folk Arts Theater of the Philippines Dance Company, the Centro Escolar University Dance Studio, the Holy Spirit Ballet Studio, the Dance Workshop at the YWCA and many other dance organizations.

He went intensively into choreography and worked with all the major dance companies and schools in the country. This prolific artist has churned out such a wide range of works in ballet, jazz, pop and contemporary dance that putting them together would make one wonder if they were all done by the same man. He has worked not only with the best dancers but also with children, students, Rotarians, bankers, P.E teachers, people from all walks of life. Regardless of his material, each piece comes out a wonderful crafting of movement. He has worked with countless Filipino composers too, whose music, translated into dance by his genius, are now better known and appreciated. No other choreographer in this country has created as many works on as many people in the span of a few decades as Tony Fabella.

One of many dancers he groomed in the 70’s is Luther Perez who became his closest friend and colleague. Together, they transform street kids of the Quezon City Performing Arts and the Hiyas ng Maynila Dance Company into works of art.

These underprivileged children start out surely baffled by French ballet steps and unable to coordinate their bodies. No doubt they feel wretched in class like Denisa and I did a long time ago. But, as Tony and Luther work on them relentlessly they are given hope. Their dancing has become a phenomenon that drives audiences to tears but more importantly, they now have a future.

Denisa and I continue to harvest the fruits of Tony’s labor. We did become dance artists. When we ring him up for advise he has nothing but positive words; a great comfort when we succumb to attacks of insecurity and self-doubt. I continue to read Tony with obsession and from him I learned what true mentoring is. It is about generosity – compelling the novice to outshine his master. It is difficult though, to outshine an all-embracing soul like him that has no ego, bias nor qualm.

Today he has an ongoing battle with cancer and it is our turn to comfort him. Tony never set money aside for the time costly medical bills might sap his pocket. Friends and admirers have come to his rescue and funds are continuously being raised to augment mounting expenses. Although he has received the topmost awards in dance, the highest honor for Tony is the love that gushes out from those who adore him.

When my sisters and I visited him recently his laughter filled the room. He was the one giving us comfort and, sure enough, anxiety turned into joy. That’s Tony Fabs accepting God’s trial with grace and humility. He, Luther and Eddie have lived in a quaint little apartment in Maytubig Street near the CCP for many years. We used to play mahjong there during breaks. Outside are beautiful orchids and plants that get whispers of affection from him daily.

He collects angels that are everywhere in their living room – smiling, peeking, pouting, mischievous, sitting cross-legged, dancing. They remind me of all the artists he has stirred, each miracle he was privy to in partnership with God.

I am honored to be one of those miracles. Tony Fabs was the universal zone that adopted the seventeen year old loser who had set her life on a course to oblivion.

The image of him bending down to transform me into a dancer was a vision I treasured throughout my career. There are still many miracles waiting to happen and seeds of hope waiting to be planted to begin it all for another young dancer. This is the legacy of Tony Fabella, the selfless tutor who makes complex dreams an effortless reality.

Nothing is impossible when he is your guru.


Tony Fabs is presently confined at the Philippine General Hospital once again. He had a biopsy operation and is undergoing chemotheraphy and radiation treatments. His colon cancer has recurred.

Please watch "Dance Can Make Them Dream Again" on YouTube. It's a documentary on the Quezon City Performing Arts Development Foundation, Inc. See how Tony Fabs and Luther Perez have given underpreviledged children a new lease in life through dance.