My daughter Mica Froilan was chosen as one of the 12 finalists of the MYX VJ Search 2007. Funny that when she was 2, her Tita Den (choreographer Denisa Reyes) started her out as a vj by handing her a ballpen to serve as a mike. "Good Morning Manila!" Den would start and Mica would babble nonsensical words, really - it was hilarious. One day my husband decided to video us so we dressed up for the 'taping'. She interviewed me well. She had perfect timing, was gracious, a good listener and quite a talker. Who would have known ....
My husband and I were ballet dancers for a good twenty years. I wished Mica and our son, Raffy, would pursue another career. I never saw them awake. We had late nights and mornings and it broke my heart not to see them grow up. I secretly wished Mica wouldn't like ballet. I gasped, "Gosh I don't think I can stand watching another family member dance Swan Lake or Giselle ... and have to pray for another pirouette." But if she wanted it I told her we'd support her. "Better be ready for brutal honesty," I said, "because ballet is PERFECTION."
When Mica took up Political Science in La Salle I sighed relief. Right after her graduation she decided to go for a call center job, "because Mom, you stopped giving me allowance and I am soooo broke!" she said. She ended up staying there longer than planned. Her American bosses loved her and brought her to the States several times. She also got several promotions. Even if call center people have this that's-all-you-do? stigma to deal with I encouraged her to stay there. "You're learning from Americans and they have excellent work ethics. Humble yourself and LEARN."
It's the hours that bog her down. Working all night and sleeping all day is just a bit too abnormal for a beautiful girl of 24. One day I saw her dressed and fully made up and I gushed, "My, my. How pretty my daughter is. Too bad no one can see her." Then her friend dragged her to this Myx competition and well ... good morning Manila?
I saw her on tv several times and she was very good in the portion with one male contestant, Drei. When she had to grapple the mike - shared with the other girls - she failed dismally. "You know me, Mom," she explained apologetically, "I always give the floor to people if they want it." I had to reply, "Anak, that's excellent when you're interviewing someone but not when you're competing ... ?" Actually I appreciated the fact that she wasn't a hey-look-at me VJ. There are two kinds of people, one that says, "I'm here!" and the other one that says, "There you are!" Mica is so there-you-are!
After a seemingly endless career in the arts I don't mind stepping into stage motherhood. What fun! I tell Mica that in those twenty years of being on stage I learned that everything was just a process. The significance of fame and fulfillment diminishes each time I get older and what remains in my mind is the process of achieving them. Parents would tell their children, "You're special and unique so you're a winner." I'd rather tell mine, "You're special and unique but so is everyone else. You'll always be a winner in God's eyes if you keep growing and developing."
Please vote for Mica by texting: Myxmatch 8 and send to 2366. This is until August 3, 2007. And as for her being corporate ... yeah right.