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Friday, April 2, 2010

My Daily Bread Book 1 Chapter 16

Book One: The Way of Purification
CHAPTER 16 Being Ready for Death

CHRIST: MY CHILD, your actions and thoughts should always be as orderly as though you expected to die this day. If you are unprepared today, how will you be prepared tomorrow? Tomorrow is uncertain. How do you know that you will be alive tomorrow? If you have ever seen person pass away, just reflect that you too must pass away as he did.

2. You can do many good works while you enjoy good health, but when you are sick, who knows what you will be able to do? Few people are improved by sickness. So too, those who have too many worldly interests seldom increase in holiness, because they are full of distractions. Recollection and prayer are the seeds of a good life; and a good life is the path to a holy death.

3. It is better to provide for yourself while you are still here in this life. Do not rely on the prayers and help of others after your death. The present time is precious. Now is your opportunity. This is your day of salvation. Spend today profitably. Send your prayers, sacrifices and good works to Me before you come to Me to be judged. It is within your power to earn eternal life by a wise use of this present time.

4. Think often of death, and remember that time lost will never return. You have not a lasting dwelling on this earth. In this life you are like a traveler. You will never have rest until you are united with Me, your Saviour.

THINK: Few things are certain in this earthly life. The most certain fact of all is that I am to die. When? Where? How? I know not. That I shall die, however, is certain. Many people are dying at this very moment. I am too busy with my own life to give much thought to them. So will it be when I am dying. That moment will be very important to me, but the world will go right on about its business. If I do not prepare for death by a good life, I am a fool.

PRAY: Lord, let me not fear death with an empty fear, but with a wise and holy fear. An empty fear does not make men any better, but a wise and holy fear urges them to improve their lives. I will prepare for death by trying today to please you more and more in my thoughts, desires, words and actions. If I live this day as You desire, I shall be ready at any moment, and death will be nothing worse than Your loving call. Amen.

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