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Saturday, March 20, 2010
My Daily Bread Book 1 Chapter 15
Book One: The Way of Purification
CHAPTER 15 The Peace of a Good Conscience
CHRIST: MY CHILD, if you have a good conscience, you need not have any fear of death. It is better to try to avoid sin than to try to escape death.
2. A wise man reflects often on the hour of death, so as to be prepared for it at all times.
3. If you want to please Me, try to become today the kind of man you would like to be at the time of your death. Make this effort, and death will find you full of confidence and peace. For this must you daily strive: a healthy contempt for worldly comforts, a burning desire to advance in virtue, a love of right order in your actions, a spirit of penance, readiness to obey authority, self-discipline, and patience to bear adversity for My sake.
THINK: A good conscience means that I have honestly tried to learn what God desires of me, and I have sincerely tried to do what He desires. Without these two efforts there is no good conscience. A man who knows that he has really made those two efforts, has a good conscience. To such a man, God gives His peace. Others may be distracted with earthly activities and interests, but they do not have that interior peace which can remain calm even in the face of death.
PRAY: My God, I hope to obtain Your holy assistance so that I may never avoid learning Your holy Will, nor ever fail to follow it in my daily life. I may find a little less pleasure if I follow Your Will, but I shall enjoy Your peace, which is greater than any pleasure. If ever I become selfish enough to avoid Your Will, let my conscience disturb and annoy me until I return to You. Amen.
Sunday, March 14, 2010
My Daily Bread Book 1 Chapter 14

CHAPTER 14 Man's Last Moments
CHRIST: MY CHILD, when your last hour arrives, you will see this earthly life in a new light. If you were neglectful and careless about My law, you will have great regret. If you lived as I desire, your heart will be full of joy.
2. The time is coming when you would like to have another day, or even one more hour, to make up for the past. Take your day and your hour now that you have the time. Who can guarantee you another hour when you feel life slipping away?
3. Death may come at any time. Always be ready for it. In this way you will be free of fear or danger, no matter when My angel calls you from this life. Live in such a way that the hour of death may bring you joy rather than fear.
4. Never love any earthly thing too much. Place your confidence in Me and look to Me as your greatest Treasure. I am far more to you than you can even suspect. A weak soul is enslaved by its earthly desires and loves. The prayerful man gains a heavenly liberty from this life, a liberty which is not understood by worldly men.
THINK: No matter what my interests may be, or how important they may seem, when death comes, I will leave everything and go to my judgment at once. Others will take my place and assume my importance and my activities. Few people know that their death is near. Most men are surprised by the arrival of death. To those who love God, it is a cause of joy. To those who love this earthly life too much, it is a painful parting.
PRAY: My God, make me wise in my esteem for the work, the pleasures, the honor and the successes of this earthly life. Let me want nothing that might separate me from You. My first interest shall be to please You, to do everything as You desire. In this way, I hope to be ready for eternity every moment of the day. Amen.
Saturday, March 6, 2010
My Daily Bread Book 1 Chapter 13
Book One: The Way of Purification
CHAPTER 13 Nearness of Death
CHRIST: MY CHILD, in a little while this earthly life of yours will be over, just how ready are you to enter into the next Life? Man exists today, and tomorrow he is seen no more. When he is out of sight, he is quickly also out of mind. The human heart can be so dull and hard! It fixes its attention on things present. It often fails to provide for the things that are to come.
2. In the morning consider for a moment the fact that you may not live till evening. When evening comes do not be too confident that you will see the next morning. These thoughts should not make you gloomy, but practical. Live in such a way that death will never find you unprepared. Live each day as you would want to live the last day of your life. Too many die suddenly and unprepared. I have warned everyone: "The Son of Man will come at that hour when He is not expected."
3. How many have deceived themselves into thinking that they still had plenty of time. They were snatched unexpectedly from this life. How often have you heard that someone was killed in a fight; another was drowned; another fell and broke his neck? This man died while sitting at table. That one passed away while enjoying a game. Some die by fire; some by violence; some are destroyed by disease; some are killed at the hands of robbers. Thus death brings an end to all, and man's life suddenly passes away like a fleeting shadow.
THINK: Why should I refuse to face facts? Will I die any sooner if I think of death? Or am I going to escape death if I never think of it. The most terrible death which can come to me is the death which will find me in mortal sin. Every other aspect of death is a passing thing, but this last phase — the unprovided death — will hurt me forever.
Death, with all its uncertainties, is a fact. I should face facts and see what can be done about them. What can I do about death? I can live in such a way that no matter when death comes, it will find me in sanctifying grace.
PRAY: Lord, for those in mortal sin, death is the gateway to hell, but for those in sanctifying grace, it is the pathway to Heaven. Let my greatest desire in life be to live in such a way that I can die fearlessly at any moment. Let me fear sin more than death or any other earthly harm. Amen.
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