CHAPTER 14 Man's Last Moments
CHRIST: MY CHILD, when your last hour arrives, you will see this earthly life in a new light. If you were neglectful and careless about My law, you will have great regret. If you lived as I desire, your heart will be full of joy.
2. The time is coming when you would like to have another day, or even one more hour, to make up for the past. Take your day and your hour now that you have the time. Who can guarantee you another hour when you feel life slipping away?
3. Death may come at any time. Always be ready for it. In this way you will be free of fear or danger, no matter when My angel calls you from this life. Live in such a way that the hour of death may bring you joy rather than fear.
4. Never love any earthly thing too much. Place your confidence in Me and look to Me as your greatest Treasure. I am far more to you than you can even suspect. A weak soul is enslaved by its earthly desires and loves. The prayerful man gains a heavenly liberty from this life, a liberty which is not understood by worldly men.
THINK: No matter what my interests may be, or how important they may seem, when death comes, I will leave everything and go to my judgment at once. Others will take my place and assume my importance and my activities. Few people know that their death is near. Most men are surprised by the arrival of death. To those who love God, it is a cause of joy. To those who love this earthly life too much, it is a painful parting.
PRAY: My God, make me wise in my esteem for the work, the pleasures, the honor and the successes of this earthly life. Let me want nothing that might separate me from You. My first interest shall be to please You, to do everything as You desire. In this way, I hope to be ready for eternity every moment of the day. Amen.
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