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Sunday, August 29, 2010

My Daily Bread Book 1 Chapter 28

Book One: The Way of Purification 
CHAPTER 28      Closer Friendship with God  

CHRIST: MY CHILD, I have said that the Kingdom of God is within you. Turn to Me with your whole heart. Do not think too much of this world, and your soul will find rest in Me. Do not let this earthly life take all of your attention. Think often of Me and of My Will in your life. Then you will become more conscious of My presence within your soul. I bring you the gifts of peace and joy in the Holy Ghost. These gifts are not given to those who pay too much attention to this earthly life.

2. One who loves Me and lives My truth, is a supernatural person. By My grace he becomes free from sinful and dangerous desires. He can freely turn to Me. He is able to rise above the visible world around him and enjoy My friendship.
3. As iron, cast into the fire, loses its rust and becomes bright with the flame, so too a man who turns his whole heart to Me, is purified of all sluggishness and changed into a new man.

THINK: If I take this step and concentrate more on God's place in my daily life, I shall find the peace of Christ. Earthly worries and distractions become small in the presence of God. The more I am impressed by Him, the less shall I be impressed by everything else.

PRAY: My God, I want to be deeply impressed by You and Your holy Will in my daily life. Teach me to live this life of mine in Your presence, sharing with You my thoughts, desires, and every activity throughout the day. Let me recognize and follow Your Will as it comes to me through people and events in my daily life. Amen.

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